Molecular 3D Viewers
MolView is a free online tool you can use to visualise and explore the 3D structures of different molecules. MolView allows you to search a database of over 50 000 molecules and view their structures in 3D.
Website uses ready-made models from Jmol. Select whatever molecule you wish to view and you'll be able to rotate it in 3-D as well as being provided some information about the molecule
Collaborative and free 3D-encyclopedia of proteins & other biomolecules (think Wiki but for biomolecules) Search for whatever you want and follow-along the article and links to get a better understanding
Protein Data Bank is a massive collection of 3-D models and information on molecules.
Online Simulators
A collection of interactive simulators in various disciplines.
A collection of simulators which allows you to select variables and simulate outcomes.
A massive collection of interactive simulations. Just search what you are looking for using keywords and filters.
Research Tools
The ultimate website which let's you bypass costly paywalls to read and download scientific literature for free!
Go to Google Scholar
Using keywords, find the journal article you want to read
Copy the URL of the article
Paste it into Sci Hub where it says "enter reference"
*if this doesn't work you can also search Sci-Hub for titles, authors, etc.
In Biology, it is preferred you cite not using MLA or APA but in scientific format. Ideally, most of your references (if not all) for your IA and EE should be coming from scientific peer-reviewed journals
Copy the DOI of the journal you are citing
Paste it into search bar and follow the steps
Ccopy the generated citation and paste it into your own document for safe-keeping.
*Do this as you go not at the very end to save you a huge headache.
Additional Learning Resources for new IB Biology
Excellent resources for both teachers and students including lesson slides, guides and more!
New curriculum being added.
Excellent resources for both teachers and students including lesson slides, quizlets, guides and more!
New curriculum being added.
Comprehensive website for all things IB Biology. New curriculum being added.
Awesome blog related to teaching and learning with many posts concerning IB Biology.